Alex Chivas
When ever I need a comedy writer, producer, director, editor, content strategist, or someone who is clearly in the middle of an identity crises or at least an overabundance of...
Bryan Freeman
I think comedy is subjective, and I generally do not find this man funny. If you'd like to publish that, you may.
Alan Spider
Hey, it's me again, Alan "The Spider" Spider. Just wanted to say I think it's fun that Darren even made this website funny. Like these testimonials! Wait... Wait hold on......
Krick Strickland
When I think of Darren, these words come to mind: creative, funny, ambitious, resourceful, banana, optimist, sandwich, intelligent, pickup truck, meadow, collaborator, and hot air balloon. My mind wanders a...
Alan Spider
Is no one else seeing this? None of this is real. NONE OF THIS IS REAL. Darren is a megalomaniac who created this entire website and all of us inside it...